Your Instructors
Deborah Johnson - Co-Founder, CEO & Instructor
Deborah Johnson created The Trait Reader Program framework in the mid-1990’s after 20+ years of working in the corporate world. As a young woman, Deborah worked as Head of Human Resources for a large Vancouver-based firm.
During this tenure, she maintained a 98% hiring rate by combining her intuitive impressions based on the energies associated with a person’s name (which you’ll learn in Module 2) and her practical decision-making processes (ie. Resumé and interviews).
After 20+ years of working alongside top Executives, Deborah took to the life of Entrepreneurship and began her career as a Clairvoyant, Medium and Intuitive Consultant, where she advised and collaborated with thousands of clients and other energy workers internationally.
Over the years, Deborah noticed the lack of trust that her clients had in their own intuitive abilities, something that she saw as being innate in nature to all of us. From this, she has run countless in-person events for hundreds and has been a keynote speaker at many business and self-improvement events over the years, along with maintaining multiple TV & radio show residencies.
Kendra Johnson - Co-Founder & Course Facilitator
After many years of utilizing her intuition, Kendra, like many, lost touch with her ‘inner guidance’ throughout her teenage years. After working in a corporate environment as an Event Manager for various venues and organizations and interacting daily with clients, employers and employees, Kendra saw the unique qualities that each individual possessed and was able to help mediate misunderstandings by seeing ‘both sides of the coin.’
The major issue Kendra found both personally and professionally was the lack of understanding each person had of another and the day-to-day interactions that caused unnecessary conflict due to personality differences and lack of understanding of one another. This revelation along with the compelling need for self-growth led her to want to help others improve their communication and connection to themselves and others through TRP.